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doc. PhDr. Hana Vlhová-Wörner, Ph.D.

Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS, v. v. i.

Hana Vlhová-Wörner studied musicology in Prague and Basel (Switzerland), (PhDr. 1990, PhD 2000, habilitation 2009); in 20002001, she was the holder of the Fellowship of the Swiss Government ("Bundesstipendium") for her postdoctoral study at the Basel University. In 1993–2006, she was a researcher at the Institute of Musicology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University. In 2004–2005 and 2006–2012, she lived in the USA, where she taught at Duke University, UNC in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and Yale University (here also as “Fellow in Sacred Music, Worship, and Arts“ at the Institute of Sacred Music 20112012). From 20122017, she was a senior lecturer and, from 2016, reader at the School of Music, Bangor University, Wales. From March 2017 to December 2018, she was the head of the Department of Music History at the Institute of Ethnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences. At the same time, from 2016, she has taught courses on European music history at Basel University, from 2019 as a guest professor ("Vertretungsprofessur"). She will be the leader of the research project "Old Myths, New Facts" (the programme "Excellence" of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic), the joint project of the Masaryk Institute and Archives of the CAS and of the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in 2019–2023. 

Research Interests

  • Latin liturgical poetry, in particular sequences and tropes  
  • Music and ritual in St Vitus Cathedral in Prague 
  • The Jistebnice Kancionál and the Czech liturgy in the 15th century 
  • Transmission and transformations of the Latin liturgical repertory from the early to the late Middle Ages 

Within the project "Old Myths, New Facts", she will research the Latin liturgical repertory tradition in the broader Central European region in the 15th century, including the specific rhythmicised chant ("cantus fractus") and its relation to, or differences from, other European traditions, and will also follow the constitution of the Czech liturgical repertory as recorded in the so-called Jistebnice Kancionál and other contemporary sources. 

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Bibliography (a selection)

Monographs, Editions, Online Databases 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana (ed.). Musiktheorie. Zeitschrift für Musikwissenschaft 3 (2019): Digital humanities
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana et alii. Jistebnice kancionál II: Cantionale. Chomutov: L. Marek, 2019. 
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Index Sequentiarum Bohemiae Medii Aevi (online database), September 2018 (www.hymnologica.cz)
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Manuscripti liturgici ecclesiae Pragensis (online database), August 2016 (www.hymnologica.cz)
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Repertorium troporum Bohemiae Medii Aevi IV: Agnus Dei. Praha: Bärenreiter, 2013.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Repertorium troporum Bohemiae Medii Aevi III: Sanctus. Praha: Editio-Bärenreiter, 2010.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Repertorium troporum Bohemiae Medii Aevi II: Kyrie eleison et Gloria in excelsis Deo. Praha: Editio-Bärenreiter, 2006.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana – David Holeton. Jistebnice kancionál I: Graduale. Brno: L. Marek, 2005.
Černý, Jaromír – Hana Vlhová-Wörner et alii. Historical Anthology of Music in the Bohemian Lands (up to ca 1530). Praha: Koniash Latin Press, 2005.
Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. Repertorium troporum Bohemiae Medii Aevi I: Tropi proprii missae. Praha: Editio-Bärenreiter, 2004.  


Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. „Cantus fractus in Pre-Hussite Bohemia: Lost Repertories and Reconstruction Challenges.” In The Journal of Alamire Foundation 15 (2023): 11–31.

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. „Benedicamus Domino tropes in the monastery of Benedictine nuns at St George’s, Prague.” In  Early Music, 2022;, caac053, https://doi.org/10.1093/em/caac053.

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. „Bohemian Alleluia chants to the Holy Virgin from the second half of the fourteenth century.” In Charles IV (1316–1378) and the Musical Heritage of His Era, ed. Lenka Hlávková, Brno: L. Marek (forthcoming).

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. “Medieval Chant for the Mass Ordinary.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Medieval Studies. Ed. Christopher Kleinhenz. New York: Oxford University Press, 2021.

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. „Agnus Pairing and Disappearing: A contribution to the late chant tradition in Bohemia.” Study Group, ‘Cantus Planus’ (Venice, Italy, 2014, 28 July - 1 August), ed. James Borders, 225–238. Venezia: Edizioni Fondazione Levi, 2020. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. "Liturgical poetry and poetical liturgy. Texts of motet cycles as continuation of longer compositional practice." In Motet Cycles Between Devotion and Liturgy, ed. by Daniele Filippi and Agnese Pavanello, 135–156. Basel: Schwabe, 2019 (Schola Cantorum BasiliensisScripta). 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. "Novum sidus orientis: New identification perspectives." In Beredte Musik. Konversationen zum 80. Geburtstag von Wulf Arlt, hg. von Martin Kirnbauer, 457–466. Basel: Schwabe 2018 (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis Scripta 8). 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. "Berkeley Traktate-Sammlung." In Lexikon musiktheoretischer Schriften, hrsg. von Ullrich Scheideler and Felix Wörner, 353–355. Kassel u. a.: Bärenreiter, 2017. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. "Zdeněk Nejedlý’s (1878-1962) historical narrative and ideological construction of Czech medieval music history." In Nationality and Universality. Music Historiographies in Central and Eastern Europe, hrsg. by Slawomira Zeranska-Kominek, 175–195. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana – David Holeton. “Liturgy, Commemoration and Music.” In A Companion to Jan Hus, ed. František Šmahel u. a., 289–324. Leiden: Brill, 2014. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. "Die Spruchsang-Melodien im Kontext des spätmittelalterlichen einstimmigen Komponierens in Zentraleuropa." In Sangspruchdichtung um 1300, hrsg. von Dorothea Klein u. a., Spolia Berolinensia. Beiträge zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters und Neuzeit 33, 275–292. Hildesheim: Weidmannsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2014. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana – Lenka Hlávková. "Hudba" ["Music"]. In Husitské století [The Hussite Century], ed. Pavlína Cermanová – Robert Novotný –Pavel Soukup, 474–489. Praha: Nakladatelství Lidové noviny, 2014. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. “Prag – die musikalische Tradition der Hussiten.” In Zentren der Kirchenmusik, ed. Matthias Schneider and Beate Bugenhagen, Laaber: Laaber Verlag, 2011, 59–64. (= Enzyklopädie der Kirchenmusik, ed. Matthias Schneider, Wolfgang Bretschneider und Günther Massenkeil, Laaber: Laaber Verlag 2010ff., vol. 2). 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana – David Holeton. “A Remarkable Witness to the Feast of Saint Jan Hus.” In The Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice, vol. 7, ed. Zdenek V. David and David Holeton, 156–184. Praha: AVČR, 2009. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. “Cum tuba praedicationis et voce magna. Tropes about the Last Judgement in the Pre-Reformation Bohemia.” In Dies estleticie. Essays on Chant in Honour of Janka Szendrei, ed. David Hiley and Gábor Kiss, 501–528. Ottawa: The Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2008. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. “Three; Nine; Nine and Three. Forms of Kyrie Tropes in the late tradition.” In HORTVS TROPORVM. Florilegium in honorem Gvnillae Iversen. A Festschrift in Honour of Professor Gunilla Iversen on the Occasion of her Retirement as Chair of Latin at Stockholm University, ed. Alexander Andreé and Erica Kihlman, 138–151. Stockholm: Stockholms Universitet, 2008. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana – Felix Wörner. “Leo Kestenberg a Společnost pro hudební výchovu ve víru mezinárodní politiky a sporů uvnitř československého hudebního života mezi dvěma světovými válkami“, Hudební věda 45 (2008): 355–394. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana – Felix Wörner. “Leo Kestenberg und die Gesellschaft für Musikerziehung 1934–1938.” In Leo Kestenberg, Musikpädagoge und Musikpolitiker in Berlin, Prag und Tel Aviv, ed. Susanne Fontaine u. a., 205–243. Freiburg i. B.: Rombach, 2008. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. “Die späten Ordinariumstropenim Graduale aus Moosburg.” In Studies in Medieval Chant and Liturgy in Honour of David Hiley, ed. Terence Bailey and László Dobszay, 443–472. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Ottawa: Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2007.  

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana – David Holeton – Milena Kubková. “The trope Gregorius presulmeritis in Bohemian Tradition: Its Origins, Development, Liturgical Function and Illustration”, In The Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice, vol. 6, ed. Zdenek V. David and David Holeton, 335–361. Praha: AVČR, 2007. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. “Záviš, autor liturgické poezie 14.století," Hudební věda 44 (2007): 229–260. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. “Genitor summifilii: A Remarkable Career of a Sanctus Trope.” In Papers Read at the 12th Meeting of the IMS Study Group 'Cantus Planus', Lillafüred/Hungary, 2004. Aug. 23-28, ed. László Dobszay e. a., 753–766. Budapest: Institute for Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 2006.  

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. “Bohemian Utraquists’ Repertory of Proper Tropes.” In The Bohemian Reformation and Religious Practice, vol. 5, part 2, ed. Zdenek V. David and David Holeton, 313–327. Praha: AVČR, 2005.  

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana –  Jaromír Černý. “Hudba v době Karla IV.”, In Lesk královského majestátu ve středověku, ed. Lenka Bobková and Mlada Holá, 291–305. Praha: Paseka, 2005. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. “Katalogisierung und Edition mittelalterlicher liturgischer Handschriften aus Böhmen.” In Die Erschließung der Quellen des mittelalterlichen liturgischen Gesangs, ed. David Hiley, Wolfenbütteler Mittelalter-Studien 18, 217–240. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2004. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. “Das Sequentiar des Arnestus von Pardubice: das Repertoire und sein Verhältnis zum Prager Ritus,” Miscellanea musicologica 37 (2003): 69–88. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. “Fama cresciteundo. Der Fall: Domazlauspredicator, der älteste böhmische Sequenzendichter”, Hudební věda 39 (2002): 311–330. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. “Liturgische Gesänge in der Handschrift Wien 4557 und ihr Verhältnis zum Jistebnice-Kantional”, Codices manuscripti 26 (1999): 5–10. 

Vlhová-Wörner, Hana. “Die Fronleichnamsmesse in Böhmen: Ein Beitrag zur spätmittelalterlichen Choraltradition”, Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft 16 (1996): 13–36.