Pokud se vám stránky nezobrazují správně, zkuste použít jiný internetový prohlížeč.


or a list of useful web resources that are relevant to our topic of research. 

A digital library of manuscripts and printed books from Czech and foreign libraries. 

MMMO Database – Medieval Music Manuscripts Online Database (www.musmed.eu)
An international virtual library of medieval musical sources and early printed books up to around 1600.  

Gallica (www.gallica.bnf.fr
A digital library comprised of medieval notation manuscripts stored in French libraries and archives. 

E-Codices (www.e-codices.unifr.ch)
A virtual library of manuscripts stored in Switzerland.  

Manuscripta – Mittelalterliche Handschriften in Österreich (www.manuscripta.at)
A virtual library of manuscripts stored in Austria.  

DIAMM – the Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music (www.diamm.ac.uk)
A library of medieval manuscripts and their repertoire.  

Cantusindex (www.cantusindex.org)
A collection of catalogues of medieval chant repertoires.  

Cantus Network (www.gams.uni-graz.at
Liturgy and music in the medieval ecclesiastical province of Salzburg.  

CHOBOL – Codicologica et Hymnologica Liturgica Bohemica (www.hymnologica.cz)
A database on medieval music in Bohemia. It comprises the catalogue of sequences (Index Sequentiarum Bohemiae Medii Aevi) and catalogue of liturgical manuscripts from the St Vitus Cathedral in Prague (Manuscripti liturgici Ecclesiae Pragensis).